Analyse Danmark provides high quality research as a solid base for decision making

Quantitative and qualitative research in Denmark and the Nordic countries

Analyse Danmark can assist you in a wide range of market research disciplines in the Nordic countries. Besides Denmark, where we have our own test facilities, we provide research in all of the Nordic countries through our partners. We offer a span of services from pure data collection and field research to high-end consulting services. We provide both quantitative and qualitative research.

About us

Analyse Danmark is a Danish research institute established in 1997. We are a full-service institute and can handle the entire process – from clarification of aim and choice of methodology with  clients – to reporting and recommendations. The company is owned by the management.

Our key competencies:

1. Customer and member insights
2. Communication and concept evaluation
3. Opinion polling
4. Building and administration of speciality panels (e.g. customer- and member panels)


Quantitative: We offer several quantitative methods:

    • CAWI
    • CATI
    • Postal surveys
    • Hall-tests

Qualitative: We offer most qualitative methods in-house both offline and online:

    • Focus groups
    • In-depth-interviews (IDI’s)
    • Workshops
    • Facilitation of meetings
    • Observational studies
    • Online Bulletin Boards
    • Shop-alongs

We have our own in-house studio facility and are a Focus Vision provider.

We have many years of specific experience in FMCG, B2B and health care, but can handle other areas too.

See an example of how we used a qualitative approach in a concept-development study we did for Damixa here.

Triangulation of methods: We have vast experience in combining different methods (e.g. focus groups and/or IDI’s in combination with surveys).

See case examples of different ways to triangulate here: for the AIDS-Foundation and in a segmentation study for Realdania .

Nordic Research Alliance:

Nordic Research Alliance is a cooperation between Analyse Danmark (DK), Novus (SE) , Respons Analyse (NO) and ISS Otantatutkimus Oy (FIN) offering Nordic research experience to national and international clients. Across the Nordic markets, we have more than 120.000 panel members. All members of the Nordic Research Alliance are members of ESOMAR.

Handling Personal Data

Read about how we handle personal data in our Personal Data Policy section.

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